Prince George's County Planning Board Agenda - March 18, 2021: Woodmore Commons
Case # DSP-04067-10 & DDS-672
Chick Fila
Chase Bank
The Applicant requests "development of 71,411 square feet of commercial, retail, and office uses. Departure from Design Standards for a reduced parking space size of 9 feet by 18 feet. In the northeast quadrant of the intersection of MD 202 (Landover Road) and St Joseph’s Drive, on both sides of Ruby Lockhart Avenue.
**"Everyone who wishes to speak at the Planning Board meeting must register in advance by Tuesday 12 noon before the meeting. You may register by filling out this form in its entirety and successfully submitting it. Please note: This form will stop taking submissions on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, at 12:00 noon."**
Click this link:
--I honestly would rather see no development unless the tenants compliment the existing Woodmore Towne Centre!! Chick-fil-A is relocating from the Boulevard and Chase Bank is a welcomed tenant, but Arby's and 7-11 just don't add any pizazz to this development! I would rather see sit-down restaurants. I'm sure the residents of Woodmore Towne Centre and Balk Hill communities have been very vocal on this project!!
**Site plans and renderings are courtesy of Prince George's County Planning Board.**
#WoodmoreCommons #ChickFilla #ChaseBank #Arbys #SevenEleven #WoodmoreTowneCentre #Woodmore #CityofGlenarden #Glenarden #Mitchellville #Bowie #Lanham #Maryland #PrinceGeorgesCounty #GregsViewPoint