Planning Board Agenda, Thursday, February 6, 2020: Hope Village Center
(Conceptual Site Plan)
Applicant requests "A mixed-use development with 38 single-family attached residential units and 181,950 square feet of commercial and institutional uses, in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of MD 223 (Woodyard Road) and Marlboro Pike."
Staff recommends, approval with conditions.
--I'm just not for this development. The church has been in works for awhile. I would like to see more styles of living, other than townhomes! We don't need another Royal Farms in this area or county! A hotel? A nice small grocer like MOM's Organic Market would compliment the area.
**Site Plans courtesy of Prince George's County Planning Board.**
#HopeVillageCenter #WoodyardRoad #MarlboroPike #SouthOsborneRoad #UpperMarlboro #Maryland #PrinceGeorgesCounty #GregsViewPoint